Friday, April 20, 2007

The Volvo C30 Website and Shorts (Automotive Advertising)

An uncoventional approach to advertising has been taken with the new Volvo C30. Rather than creating an environment of only love and admiration for their new vehicle, they have embraced all point of views. Love it or hate it, Volvo wanted to know.

It turns out, they not only wanted to know, but have used those opinions to make sylistic short ads. I have not personally seen them on tv, but I believe they are being shown in some select markets. Lucky for us, the entire group of them are featured on the c30 mini site. (Check it out here) It's definitely worth a look. They are all pretty strange (bottom left corner in particular), and don't really give much insight into the vehicle beyond appearence. A few are entertaining in a Monty Python quirky animated type of way. I give Volvo kuddos for doing something a little more youthful and exciting. It could go a long way towards making Volvo a viable vehicle choice for consumers under 35, not including all those teenagers driving old Volvos of course.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello and glad to find your blog. I’ve recently added some pages on all the important Volvo models to my website and I invite you to check it out. I’ve posted some nice Volvo C30 wallpapers, quite a few Volvo C70 photos and also red hot pictures of the new Volvo V50.


Michael S.